Don Holladay has been painting since 1973. His studio includes a full-size etching press, and many of his images originate from the printmaking process. In the early 1990s he studied printmaking at the University of Oklahoma under Dan Kiacz. One of his student images appears in "60 Years of Printmaking at the University of Oklahoma." His work has been selected in regional and international juried competitions, shown in art and humanities publications, and placed on permanent public display in Oklahoma. He holds a law degree from the College of Law, University of Oklahoma, and writes in the area of social justice issues. He and his wife Kay reside in Norman, Oklahoma.
Some of the image titles and portions of the text on this website pages are tied to issues involving social justice, religion, war, and current events. Over a lifetime spanning nearly seven decades, my relationship with organized religion has been dysfunctional at times; my view of the workings of our social and political institutions has ranged from indifference, to positive, to highly critical. I have lived and taught overseas, and still continue to travel outside our country. These experiences allow me to see America from a distance. I have a deep respect for all who serve in uniform. They are some of our country's finest. Yet, as a veteran and one who served in Vietnam, I have, on more than one occasion, questioned the public bravado and decision-making of those who have seemed so anxious to send young men and women into war. Religion, war, social justice, current events: These are some of the lifetime currents I swim in, and which often influence my art.
Many of my views-- on topics such as racism, immigration, homelessness, and treatment of minorities-- are not reinforced by personal experience. They have been formed by values passed down to me, and learned from those who have been powerful influences in my life, including my own family members. I watch rock throwers launching attacks against our country's most vulnerable, and know those targeted feel panic in a way I will never have to undergo. After all, I am a member of the most favored subspecies on this planet: A white, middle-class, heterosexual male.
I hope you enjoy my website. Portions of my website commentaries come from my available small book "A Creek Called Grindstone."
I have also repeated quotes about animals, inspired from a compilation found in a publication of the Kirkpatrick Foundation, one of those extraordinary non-profit organizations which strives to make all our lives better.